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June 11, 2013

Personal Fundraising for Single Moms

collaborative fundraising

Personal Fundraising for Single Moms.

What would life be like if single moms had a personal fund to sponsor free benefits for themselves and their kids? Giving back to single moms, financially empowers families to enjoy life and that makes a difference.


Collaborative Fundraising to Enjoy Life

Why? Why not. It is 2013, and women are still only making 75% compared to men for the same jobs. We are asking moms to do more with less, especially in single parenting homes.


What Benefits are We Prepared to Fund?

Any free benefit makes a difference. Free salon services, yes. Free shopping sprees, yes (only after the kids are taken care of), Free travel, yes, Free creative education, yes, Free Dining rewards (enjoy eating out and not cooking) yes, free yoga for the entire family, free massages, and yes free chocolate too. Create a benefit, collaborate with us and we will fund it for you.


Sounds Too Good to Be True

We are a real company, with caring compassionate recruiting professionals. We are dedicating our lives to use recruiting for good. The caveat is we only help single moms in the U.S… Why? Because we love to have personal relationships with the people we serve.


But My Single Mom Lives Outside the U.S.

If you are willing to use your social contacts to benefit your mom, and you live in the U.S., we are willing to consider helping you fund your single mom, and afford her free travel or chocolates.


We Are Sorry

We apologize to all the people who take offense about the tone of this blog, and its self-serving nature to inspire collaboration, sharing, caring, and personal fundraising for single moms. We sincerely apologize.


What benefit would you like to gift your mom?


May 26, 2013

How Free Chocolate Funds Travel for Kids and Teachers


Chocolates New

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar


How Free Chocolate Funds Kids and Teachers Travel.

Yesterday, I was craving chocolate and I went to Whole Foods in Santa Monica . When I encountered a shocking price for chocolate. When did a chocolate bar become a luxury? Who can afford a $7 dollar or $9 dollar bar of chocolate (even the smallest bar basically two bites was $3.50)? A $7 dollar chocolate bar better be laced with gold and diamonds. Dejected by the sticker price, I walked next door to the 99 Cent Store, and I was about to buy my dollar chocolate. But when I walked to the register to pay, and I was faced with 7 people in front of me. I put the chocolate back, and walked out.


“Enough of my kvetching, I am done with that energy, I thought.” But then it got me thinking, what if my co-op could provide free chocolate as a benefit. What would life be like if every month people could receive free chocolates? And our co-op could simultaneously also raise money to gift free travel to kids and teachers.


Crazy ideas have been hatched in the shower, why not at Whole Foods or the 99 Cent Store?

Join A Collaborative Solution to Free Chocolate Funds Kids and Teachers Travel


Introduce your social contacts to Our Co-Op (Recruiting for Good). Your introductions enable us to generate recruiting proceeds on your behalf to sponsor your chocolate benefit. And we then match monies raised to fund travel for kids and teachers.


Nothing Happens By Accident

Thank you Whole Foods and 99 Cent Stores, for inspiring this solution and making a difference in the world.


Chocolate Lovers Unite

If you are inspired and passionate about fulfilling your chocolate cravings, and making a difference, contact us today to get started.


Need the Community to Build a Chocolate List

(We want to offer the best chocolate for free) What is your favorite chocolate company?

contact us to help.

For Recruiting Services