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June 7, 2016

Inspiring Parents to Gift Kids The Remote Experience


Inspiring Parents to Gift Kids The Remote Experience

The travel experience working millennials want most…the Remote Experience.

If your kids have graduated from high school and/or college and now are on their own working in the work force, congratulations. If your kids graduated from college, and moved back home, and are still working…consider gifting them a remote work experience. It will change their life for good. And it’s the true meaning of healthy life+work balance.

According to an article written by Forbes, contributor, Kavi Guppta, “Three companies in particular are bringing the concept of group travel experiences to the realm of remote work. These services offer end-to-end planning and logistics for folks who might prefer to leave the organizing and itinerary to someone else to manage. That can mean accommodation, transportation, cowering spaces and even activities are all taken care of on the road.’

Recruiting for Good Helps California Parents Fund Gift “The Remote Experience”

Just as long as your kids can qualify for The Remote Experience (they must be gainfully employed), you make a difference (meaning the parent or parents have volunteered in church, a nonprofit, or school in the last 3 years), and participate in Recruiting for Good’s referral travel reward service. We will help fund gift a 4 month The Remote Experience in 2017. Gift your kids an enriching experience to work and see the world; and (if the kids are living at home again) gift yourself, peace and quiet too.

We’re gifting travel with The Remote Experience, because they offer a personal and professional service; each 4 months they go to a different continent (4 months, 4 countries), with 30 remote workers.Based out of Florida, they provide a slew of awesome benefits, and make all travel arrangements.

For Millennials,who read this blog, share it with your parents, to inspire them to participate in Recruiting for Good. We love to help you experience travel and see the world for good.

Want to learn more contact Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com to get started today we love helping people gift travel for good.

March 31, 2014

Imagine Everyone Vacations for GOOD

Inspiration To do

What would your life be like, if every year you took a vacation to new destinations around the world? Our parents, and our grandparents waited year after year saving money for the right day, right season, and right year to take a vacation.

People in the United States get the least amount of time off, and yet when they do get time off, they wait till retirement to do the things they can do today. Life is shorter than you think. One day you are alive, and the next day you don’t get up, your life is done.

Here’s a great article on Forbes about Americans and vacation time-off, by Tanya Mohn, “U.S. The Only Advanced Economy That Does Not Require Employers To Provide Paid Vacation Time, Report Says.”

The only perfect time to take a vacation is today. We come up with reasons why we don’t take vacations, we rationalize our existence, and we sell out our big dreams of seeing the world and living the life we deserve, and for what.

Top 3 Reasons People Don’t Vacation for GOOD

1) I don’t have the money. With crowd sourcing sites abound FundYourTravel.com, Gofundme.com should help.

2) I don’t have time. If you are working 50-70 hours a week, it is only a matter of time before you wake up, and you realized you aged 20 years in the last 3 years. Whose life are you living?

3) “I can’t leave because the kids, I can’t leave them behind. And I can’t take them; because I need a break.” Why don’t you take a vacation where you and your kids can spend quality time doing things together, and developing relationships that matter.

5 Benefits to Taking a Vacation Every Year

1) Health benefits, time off reduces stress.

2) Creative innovation, being away from the daily grind, your can day dream, and come up with great solutions.

3) Improve productivity. Once you come back from your vacation, you will be refreshed to start anew with a full tank.

4) Develop great relationships with your kids and loved ones. Spend quality time with the people that matter to you most.

5) Your life is what you make of it. Live life fully, have fun, be adventurous, and accomplish your travel bucket list. Teach and inspire your family that life is about more than just work. Vacations help you appreciate all the effort and hard work.

Everyone Vacations for Good

Join our mission to inspire and help everyone vacation for GOOD. We all deserve to enjoy life and see the world, why not start today and plan your vacation for good or gift your family, friends, or employees a vacation too.

We are using recruiting for good to help people fund and gift travel. “In fact, every person, that gets a job with one of our clients, also gets a vacation in Mexico,” so says Carlos Cymerman, founder of Recruiting for Good.

Where do you want to vacation next?

For Recruiting Services