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    elevate my brand

February 16, 2013

It’s All Good According to Laurel Kaufman

It’s All Good According to Laurel Kaufman. Laurel and I used to hang out at Girls in Tech a couple of years ago. She is one of my favorite people here in LA. If you don’t know her, you should. She owns a company called Elevate My Brand. Recently, I was approached by a friend of mine, who asked me if I knew someone connected to the restaurant and bar industry, the first name that came to mind was Laurel. She was instrumental in helping successfully launch the first TuesdayNights.org party. Running into her before the party, I mentioned my new website iTravel for Good, and Laurel’s response was, “Carlos everything is always All Good with you.” She is brilliant that way and absolutely right. Recruiting for Good, iTravel for Good, iShop for Good, iParty for Good. Yeah it’s all good.

For Recruiting Services