February 19, 2014
How to Raise $5,000 for Your Classroom?
Imagine what education would be like in the United States, if every teacher was financially empowered to spend $5,000 in their classrooms every 3 months…..
I Am You
Well before my days as a recruiter and social entrepreneur, I started in education, I worked as a Teachers Assistant, Spanish Teacher, and even worked in Special Education. I understand the plight that many teachers experience.
Problem NO Problem
Teachers love the job, and they are stuck with empty promises about more money for classroom budgets. Many of the teachers start out gung ho, they dip into their own pockets to pay for supplies, computers, and even musical instruments. The human cost is insurmountable. Companies would never ask their CEO to pay for his own computer, or his iPhone; so why are we asking our teachers to do just that? Why do we have such high expectations for education results when we are not empowering our teachers to be at their best. “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance“….Let’s invest in our classrooms, and empower our teachers to help our children excel.
Great Solutions Help
Thank god for schools with great PTAs, and collaborative solutions like DonorsChoose.org; they make an immense impact. But we still can do so much more. If you are a passionate parent or teacher who loves to make a difference; contact us, we are using Recruiting for Good collaboratively to fund schools. People participate by enabling us to use our recruiting expertise for good; and we generate proceeds to donate $5,000 for schools. For more information contact carlos@retainsourcing.com, (we help fund US based schools).
We Empower People Who Love to Help
Fund Local Causes +Nonprofits +Schools
September 11, 2013
5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference
“Imagination is More Powerful Than Knowledge,” Albert Einstein
5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference
1) In the U.S., we only get two weeks of vacation time, so why not make it meaningful time off.
2) Rewarding someone travel is all about appreciation, and meaning well.
3) Since travel destinations are vast, so are opportunities to add an education component. Which can add a distinction to each vacation.
4) Eduvations are a new way to empower teachers who love to bring their skill to travel.
5) The value of learning while vacationing are immense, first and foremost you come back from vacationing with a fresh perspective or acquired skill that you can teach others.
We are using Recruiting for Good, to reward eduvations so that people get the most out of their time off. Imagine being able to travel to Hawaii with your family on a cruise, and get Ted Talk training. How about learning to code java while vacationing in Vegas. Join our Co+Op we are rewarding and making global eduvations possible. We are vested to invest in making life fun, and rewarding eduvations to develop your imagination, creativity, and education.
We would love to connect with coaches, teachers, mentors, instructors, gurus, and magicians who love to teach while on vacation. Have you ever wanted to go on a safari and teach yoga, teach dance, teach cooking, teach LEGO Building? Now you can.
Join our Co+OP to reward eduvations to your family and friends, and change their life.