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December 1, 2016

Using Recruiting for Good


Using Recruiting for Good

Recruiting for Good is celebrating the launch of our fun Travel Co+Op and new funding solution to help local nonprofits by donating 50% of every fulltime placement fee we earn, from new clients; from December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017.

Are You Hiring Professionals and are Using Recruiting Agencies?

Please consider sending us your jobs to help fund:


Kristina Bant Jenkins, parent of a child with autismfounder of nonprofit, Aut2bFit™, amateur Duathlete, and USC Graduate.

Mission of Nonprofit to bring together parents and families of children touched by autism with a community of athletes and physically active, fitness-conscious people who are committed to raising awareness for autism through the love of sport, a lifestyle of family-fun activities, and adventure travel. www.aut2bfit.org


Our goal is to help raise $50,000 to offset the cost of travel for special needs kids, first trip is to Utah in May 2017

“We love Kristina’s vision of making everyone feel like a rockstar….kids, moms, dads…and volunteers too.” After the first of the year, Kristina is creating fun monthly events in LA that inspire autistic kids to be active participants.

Did You Know this About Autism….

-Prevalence in the United States is estimated at 1 in 68 births.

-More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.

-Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention.

One more reason to care…you might know someone who is Autistic, who could use Kristina’s nonprofit and the services she will be developing for the community.

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com today to get started today

November 30, 2013

Imagine a World Where Everyone Traveled for Good

With Thanksgiving behind us, we look to Christmas and New Years to seek meaning and give purpose to our lives. The questions that often come up are; what will next year bring? How can I contribute? Will I find adventure, love, or a great new job?

What if all that was possible…..We launched our co+op to give people opportunities to enjoy life, make a difference, and to travel the world. Our mission is to make life better for all. We are using recruiting for good collaboratively to help people. People join our co+op by making referrals that enable us to use recruiting for good; executives to retain us for searches, and people looking for jobs.

People Make a Difference

People who join our Co+Op (members) help end abuse, hunger, and poverty. We are donating 20% of fulltime placements (every fulltime placement can sponsor 4 children in an orphanage for the entire year). Here is the list of nonprofits we are serving in 2014;

Corazon De Vida (Orphans), Kitt Crusaders (Rescue Pets), Olive Crest (Foster Care), Venice Family Clinic (Medical Care), Wolf Connection (Therapy Animals), WTLC (End Domestic Violence).

People Earn Rewards

Every time a Co+Op member makes a referral and it results in us making a placement. We share proceeds to fund one of the nonprofits on our site. And the member earns a portion of proceeds to travel with any partner on We Travel for Good.

Funding Travel that Makes a Difference

Co+Op members can also earn funding for; safaris, honeymoons, and destination weddings. Members create a travel fund. We use recruiting placements to raise funds for their travel. And match monies raised $1 for $1 to donate monies to nonprofits.

We look forward to serving and using recruiting for good to benefit your life, join our co+op today to enjoy life and make a difference.

Happy Holiday from Recruiting for Good

September 30, 2013

Good Local Causes, Schools, Start-Ups

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$100,000 for Good Local Causes, Schools, Start-Ups. Are you looking for funding? Our Co+Op collaboratively uses recruiting to generate proceeds for good. We are looking to connect with people and organizations who want to work together to make a difference.

How Companies Can Help Us Make a Difference

If you are a company looking for technical talent, retain us to use recruiting for good.


Help Fund Wolf Connection for Foster Kids

“We are looking to generate recruiting proceeds to fund a social project benefiting kids from Olive Crest (a nonprofit serving foster kids for over 40 years); to experience the Wolf Connection. Wolf Connection is a youth education and empowerment program with wolfdogs, Youth Ambassadors, as the centerpiece. With the help of these magnificent animals, young men and women from all walks of life learn about nature and conservation, work through the challenges in their lives, learn to be of service by responsibly caring for another living being, and work towards becoming the kind of person they want to be.”

Refer Your IT Friends Make a Difference and Earn Rewards

We are rewarding the first 10 people who help us use recruiting for good to raise money for local social causes, schools, or start-ups; a trip to attend TEDx in South Africa, and receive a week long safari provided by Infinite Safari Adventures, where they will also receive “Ted-Worthy” communication and presentation training from John Bates.

Participate and Choose Who Benefits

One of the rewards of making a difference with recruiting for good; the individual who uses their social contacts, chooses which nonprofit, school, or start-up we help fund. We are on a mission to help people enjoy life and make a difference.

Where Do You Want to Go Next

We also need help from the community to create fun travel rewards for people who participate and help us use recruiting for good. What travel reward would you like to see next?

September 24, 2013

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too. I recently attended TEDx for the first time. And I was touched, moved, and inspired.

One of my favorite presentations at TEDx Venice, was given by Maria Scileppi; she spoke about making one new friend for 365 days.

During one of the breaks at the TEDx event, John Bates (one of the hosts) and I were speaking with Leslie Ann Lewis, one of the attendees, her enthusiasm propelled us to discuss the idea of making travel to TEDx worldwide possible. “How awesome would it be if everyone could attend TEDx anywhere in the world, explore new cities, and meet new friends.”

Within days, I thought about how I can incorporate the idea of traveling to TEDx worldwide and make a difference too. For the individual who does attend TEDx, the experience is life changing. I am an excellent example of that.

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The first 10 people to join our Co+Op (check out how we can make this happen), and use their social contacts to enable recruiting for good to raise monies for local social causes and start-ups (we are looking to raise $100,000) will be rewarded;

1) A trip to attend TEDx in South Africa in March 2014.

2) A week long safari (provided by Infinite Safari Adventures).

3) John Bates will travel along, and provide his ‘TED-Worthy’ communication training.

Is this for real? You bet. Do you want to be remembered for someone who started it all? Contact us today to help locally and travel globally.

I apologize for taking time to self-promote, and inspire you to participate in collaborative funding, and earn global travel rewards.

I want to thank Leslie Ann Lewis, and Maria Scileppi for inspiring me to create a fun travel solution to enjoy TEDx and make a difference too.

What’s next…..Would you like to attend TEDx Jerusalem in May 2014 and raise money for your causes and start-ups?

P.S. We are not affiliated with TED or TEDx. We are just offering the means to attend inspiring events worldwide, make new friends, have fun, and change the world.


For Recruiting Services