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    collaborative fundraising

March 11, 2013

America Travels for Free

iTravelforGood for chocbite

America Travels for Free. There was a time when companies use to pay for everything in the hopes of retaining talent. Then the economic crash happened and everyone lost their benefits. In an effort to make life great again in America, and take care of working families; our co-op is using recruiting for good to help people locally connect to great jobs, and we are sharing proceeds to make free travel possible.

The United States ranks in the bottom of all industrialized countries, when it comes to giving employees time off. Two weeks off just doesn’t seem like enough time. But what would life be like if two week vacations were first class and free? We launched iTravel for Good to financially empower people to Travel Globally and Help Locally. A couple of ways we are helping locally; every candidate we place in a fulltime position gets a free vacation, we are working with travel agencies in the U.S. (TravelStore) to provide spectacular service, and are offering our collaborative fundraising solution to make free travel possible for individuals and nonprofits too. And recently started working with WITI, to afford their members free travel, and match monies raised to benefit their foundation.

A great vacation benefits the individual, his family, and the company. Everyone needs time off to relax, and recuperate. Families, who take vacations together, get to enjoy life. Families who don’t have to spend money on vacations, will be able to save monies for a house, or their kids’ college funds.

Join our co-op to make free travel possible for all Americans. If you are working in the U.S. and want to see your parents, why not have them visit you in America. We look forward to finding you a great job, and rewarding you with a free vacation or you can pay forward your travel rewards.

If you are a company in the United States, please consider us for your next search, and together we will make a difference locally with family, friends, and community.

Join America Travels For Free (US Green Card, EADs, and H1bs are welcome too).

December 31, 2012

Wishing Everyone The Best Year of Their Life

Wishing Everyone The Best Year of Their Life. In the final days of 2013, I have made amends and apologize to people in my community, I have read two books that have significantly impacted my outlook on life (Goals, By Brian Tracy, and The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy) and set me up for success in 2013.

I want to thank Alicia Brockwell for inspiring me to look at what was missing in my life. And because of her I sought out the books I read. We are often forgetful to remember the people around us that bring us so much value.

So for 2013 and onwards, I am committed to be grateful, humble, in service of others, inspiring, transformational, caring, loving, dedicated, passionate, enrolling, self-disciplined, and in relationship with like-thinking, like-minded, like-feeling people who are also dedicated to make a difference and love life.

With that said, I want to be part of a community who is limitless in its potential for greatness. Money will not be a pre-requisite to living a great life. In the community I am a part of, I collaborate to afford people great benefits, to help people adopt and support causes, and to afford people life experiences.

Living the best year of my life is an adventure I look forward to. I wish everyone the best year of their life. And perhaps if I am lucky, I will meet some of you next year. Happy 2013.

It is because I love humanity, and the potential of transforming the way we support each other that I am dedicating my life to collaborative fundraising.

What are you committed to develop to make life great in 2013?

December 24, 2012

Make Every Day Feel Like Christmas

Make Every Day Feel Like Christmas. We are grateful to all our candidates, clients, their families, and the community. 

Happy Holidays, Thank You for Affording Us the Opportunity to Transform and Begin the New Year By Using Recruiting for Good to Help People Make a Difference and Make Every Day Feel Like Christmas.


December 7, 2012

Fundraise for Your Family in India

Imagine if you could send money to your family, friends, and community in India. We are using recruiting for good, fundraising for people so they can make a difference. Fighting to end poverty and hunger in the world is no easy task.

But with the help of the community everything is possible. Imagine if your family received $5,000, it could make a substantial difference in their life. Your mom, dad, brothers, and sisters would benefit from our collaboration.

So how can you help us, help you? Introduce us to your IT friends, co-workers, or let recruiting for good represent you and place you. You heard right we are rewarding candidates we place, who submit their resumes unsolicited or through our job board with $1500 dollars in benefits. If you want to send the benefit outside the US, we will send $1,000 tax free every time you refer an IT friend and we place them.

Don’t want to help India, no problem, where is your family? Asia? Africa? the U.S.? or New York? The offer is open to anyone who is willing to help us make a difference.

Contact us today to help end poverty and hunger in your home country.




For Recruiting Services