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    collaborative fundraising

July 9, 2013

Why We’re Sending 100 Southern California Residents to Safari


Why We’re Sending 100 Southern California Residents to Safari. Quite simply we live in Southern California, and we care about the community we live in. By touching the lives of 100 residents; we hope to inspire travel to Africa.

The likely story, we often get is, “I have no money to go to Africa on a Safari.” Understandably the economy has done a fine job of making sure that some people are much better off than others.  

But what if going to Africa changed your life? What if the experience of being in the wild got you in touch with something that you thought never existed? What if you could get in touch with your creativity through painting, photography, and even writing? That is all possible.

The truth is you will never live the life you desire, until you live outside your comfort zone. Africa is an experience that will transform your life. And we would love to help you connect to your inner child, your creative potential, and your passion to live a fully expressed life. Moving past any regrets, affording people a trip of “bucket list” proportions makes a significant difference.

Whether you join our collaborative fundraising service or not, we invite you to live out your dreams, seek out adventures, and go to a safari in Africa.

And if money is what is keeping you back, but you are willing to collaborate and work with us, we will use recruiting for good on your behalf, and make your safari experience a reality. Or perhaps better yet, you would like to surprise a loved one who has always talked about going. We will fund anyone who has a passion for travel, collaborates, and lives in Southern California.

Where in Africa would you like to go?




June 26, 2013

Helping People Experience Life Fully

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Helping People Experience Life Fully.


With the world in turmoil, and uprisings happening all over the world; this is the time to unite, collaborate, and help people experience life fully.


The world financial meltdown has created an uncertain future for some, and for others it has put a financial burden that constraints the desire to spend money and invest in personal development, limiting life experiences, and benefits. Until now…..


We are on a mission to collaboratively fundraise for social equality. What would the world be like if everyone enjoyed and experienced life fully?


Yes, fundraising for people makes a difference. No longer giving money; the reason people don’t achieve or experience life the way they want.


So if you livein the United States and are willing to collaborate, join our co-op, and we will raise funds for your creative education, life coaching, parties (birthday, anniversary, weddings), and of course travel. In fact, join us and create your own benefit, as long as it makes a difference in your life and empowers you to experience life fully, we will help fund it for you.


Ever wanted to go to a Safari in Africa? We are raising funds for 100 people to experience a safari, and volunteer at a Cheetah Conservation in summer 2014.


Our travel partner is Infinite Safari Adventures, owner and founder Alan Feldstein, is a board member of the Cheetah Conservation; there are only 10,000 cheetahs left in existence.


If our blog inspires you to participate and make a difference in your life, your family, or friends we welcome your arrival.


If our blog offends you, is self-serving, and turns you off, we sincerely apologize for wasting your time.


We are a socialco-op fundraising to financially empower people, create social equality and make any life experience possible.


What life experience would you like to raise funds for?

June 19, 2013

How Travel Helps Small Businesses Create Customer Loyalty

iTravelforGood for chocbite

How Travel Helps Small Businesses Create Customer Loyalty.

The number one benefit people want to have in their life is travel. You can walk into any Starbucks and ask the barrista “where would you like to travel?” And without hesitation she can spurt off three locations.


“Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you.”     ~ Chip Bell


So How Do Small Businesses Create Customer Loyalty With Travel?

Create your own retreat.

-Imagine if you had a chocolate company and you created your retreat in Switzerland, and your customers traveled with you abroad to experience the world’s best chocolate.

-You have a beauty salon, and you invite your customers to travel to Fashion Week in Milan (Fashion, shoes, shopping, food, wine, sights, Italy….do I need to say anymore).

-Or like my friend Rick Benzel, editor of “Artist Way” who owns coaching writing service, created a three day retreat to help people publish their book.


 “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.” – Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon.com



Retreats Make a Difference Create Memories

The fact is no amount of spending time on Facebook or Twitter, can ever compete with spending time in person, enjoying and experiencing travel together with your customers will forever forge a memory and that makes a difference.

In fact, after your retreat, people who loved the travel experience, will tell their friends, family, and colleagues about it, and you will have even more new customers.

Creating life changing experiences with your customers, will differentiate your company from your competition; and grow your loyal customer base.


For Inspirational Entrepreneurs

If you are looking to create an ongoing retreat and grow your business through travel, consider making it free. Our SocialCo-Op collaboratively raises funds for people to sponsor free travel anywhere in the world. And we would love to help business owners in the United States build customer loyalty through free travel. Imagine if every year, your customers traveled for free on your company’s retreat.


Ever wanted to travel to fashion week? Travel next June 2014, with iTravelforgood.com shopping retreat.

Where would you like to go on a retreat?

June 18, 2013

We Fund Your Gelato University Experience


We fund your gelato university experience. Imagine attending the famous Carpigiani Gelato University in Bologna, Italy at no cost to you.


Listening to the NPR story about the University and the passion for creating wonderful tasting desserts; we were inspired to afford this benefit to any American who collaborates with our recruiting Co-Op (simply introduce us to your social contacts to enable recruiting, and we raise funds on your behalf to sponsor your gelato university experience; travel, accommodations, and education too).


Who would not want to learn from Instructor Alice Vignoli, “My grandmother do gelato, my mother do gelato, and I always live for gelato,” she says. “And for me, gelato is a passion, is not only a job. When I prepare gelato, I have a smile. [It] is a creative job, and you have the possibility to put your soul in your gelato.”


We help fund people.

Why? Why not fund people who are passionate about making food taste great. And if they become experts through education and practice that makes a difference. Imagine a single mom gets the opportunity of a lifetime to learn skills that propel her to start a gelato business, and she can now take care of her kids.


Our Co-Op is using recruiting for good to help fund people who make a difference. Investing in people is a great way to give back.


So how do you get started? Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com.  We have been serving people since 1998.


What other culinary schools would you love to attend in the world?

For Recruiting Services