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October 17, 2013

How to Fund Your Study Abroad and Make a Difference Too

Travel Teaches Compassion

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” Maya Angelou

“We want to live in a country where anyone can afford to study abroad, learn, teach, and transform the world” the staff at recruiting for good.

Inspired By USC Freshmen

Recently, USC freshmen Alex Zhang and Ethan Mizrahi inspired us to offer our funding solution for study abroad programs.

Whether you want to learn how to make Gelato in Italy, or learn to speak Chinese in China, or learn about diplomacy in Milan; there is an endless possibilities to expand you mind when you travel and study abroad.

Our mission is to use recruiting for good collaboratively to help people make a difference. We are excited to help local Southern California parents fund high school and college summer abroad programs. And are willing to raise up to $10,000 per participating child and match monies raised to fund local causes and nonprofits.

3 Reasons to Study Abroad (information from Vistawide)

1) Study abroad enhances employment opportunities: Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more globalized, American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market.

2)  Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A person’s culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.

3) The U.S. Senate issued a resolution to raise awareness and to help increase the number of U.S. students studying abroad. “Ensuring that the citizens of the United States are globally literate is the responsibility of the educational system of the United States.”

On a side note, at Recruiting for Good ,we are passion advocates of world travel; that is why we reward travel to people who participate in our social funding programs.

How do you qualify to fund your study abroad program?

1) Connect with Carlos@retainsourcing.com, he is the founder, senior recruiter, and your humble collaborative partner.

2) Introduce your social contacts, and recruiting for good will generate proceeds on your behalf to fund your kid’s or benefactor’s summer study abroad program.

3) Recruiting for Good will match dollar for dollar raised to donate proceeds to a nonprofit, school, or university of your choice.

Need some ideas to study abroad?

Checkout this link, we compiled a list of 2012 winners (awards given by Abroad 101)

Top 10 Destinations for U.S. Students Studying Abroad

Data source: IIENetwork’s OpenDoors 2009: Report on International Educational Exchange.


# of students in 2007/08

% of total students abroad in 2007/08

1. United Kingdom



2. Italy



3. Spain



4. France



5. China



6. Australia



7. Mexico



8. Germany



9. Ireland



10. Costa Rica



Total # of U.S. students
abroad in top 10 countries:

161,916 out of 262,416

61.7% of total U.S. students abroad

For more information on Study Abroad Programs at USC click here.

For more information on Study Abroad Programs at UCLA click here.

For more information on High School Study Abroad Programs, click here.

For more information on Gelato University Programs, click here. 

Imagine what life would be like… to have a summer vacation away from your teen or college age son or daughter, if only for two months. You will thank us later.

This is real, we are serious about funding travel that makes a difference. Your participation helps us raise money for your family’s travel abroad education, and also helps us raise money for local nonprofits.

September 24, 2013

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too. I recently attended TEDx for the first time. And I was touched, moved, and inspired.

One of my favorite presentations at TEDx Venice, was given by Maria Scileppi; she spoke about making one new friend for 365 days.

During one of the breaks at the TEDx event, John Bates (one of the hosts) and I were speaking with Leslie Ann Lewis, one of the attendees, her enthusiasm propelled us to discuss the idea of making travel to TEDx worldwide possible. “How awesome would it be if everyone could attend TEDx anywhere in the world, explore new cities, and meet new friends.”

Within days, I thought about how I can incorporate the idea of traveling to TEDx worldwide and make a difference too. For the individual who does attend TEDx, the experience is life changing. I am an excellent example of that.

Infinite safari logo

The first 10 people to join our Co+Op (check out how we can make this happen), and use their social contacts to enable recruiting for good to raise monies for local social causes and start-ups (we are looking to raise $100,000) will be rewarded;

1) A trip to attend TEDx in South Africa in March 2014.

2) A week long safari (provided by Infinite Safari Adventures).

3) John Bates will travel along, and provide his ‘TED-Worthy’ communication training.

Is this for real? You bet. Do you want to be remembered for someone who started it all? Contact us today to help locally and travel globally.

I apologize for taking time to self-promote, and inspire you to participate in collaborative funding, and earn global travel rewards.

I want to thank Leslie Ann Lewis, and Maria Scileppi for inspiring me to create a fun travel solution to enjoy TEDx and make a difference too.

What’s next…..Would you like to attend TEDx Jerusalem in May 2014 and raise money for your causes and start-ups?

P.S. We are not affiliated with TED or TEDx. We are just offering the means to attend inspiring events worldwide, make new friends, have fun, and change the world.


August 23, 2013

How to Inspire Rockstars? Reward Them

What would life be like if we spent 20% of our day on things we love doing….say making a difference……..having fun………inspiring rockstars……..rewarding rockstars

In 1906, a famous Italian engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist and philosopher, made an important discovery and revelation about the distribution of effort versus result, that forever changed the course of microeconomics; the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule).


….Imagine if 20% of the population of every city in America…..and the world was a rockstar in life…….Everyone Would Enjoy Life + Make a Difference.”Those who lead and serve selflessly, inspire others to do the same….are rockstars.” In fact, we are all rockstars, its how we choose to live today, and everyday that dictates how big or small our impact will be.

Founder of ONE.org

“As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.” Bono

In July 2000, I started to think about how I could use recruiting to make life great for others…….It is 2013…….and I have come up with a fun solution….Recruiting Rewards Rockstars Travel……..I am grateful for all the people who have made great efforts to mentor, transform, and inspire me to serve rockstars in life. These include; MDI (a nonprofit organization that empowers men to be leaders in life), TuesdayNights.org founders Justine Lassoff and Melinda Moore, iShopforGood.com Lori Shapiro, Infinite Safari Adventures Alan Feldstein, Memorable Moments Travel Gwiin Correa, Cruises By Dave (Dave Fowlie), mom, dad, sisters, and lastly my inspirational red dragon Robin, who in the last year has taught me more about being a rockstar in life.

Richard, thank you for writing and sharing your autobiography, and living your truth. Losing My Virginity. Last week, I met a man who works for you at Virgin America and he was enamored and grateful to work at Virgin. Someday soon, I hope to make your acquaintance and thank you in person, for making my work happy and life great.

“A Great Way to Inspire Others is By Rewarding People, Who Do Good (Rockstars)” Justine Lassoff, Causora.com

How to Inspire Rockstars? Reward Them. We are fortunate to live in a nation where freedom of speech is an undeniable right. The future of the nation will depend on our ability to develop, inspire, and support caring and serving leaders…….Rockstars in life; these are women, men, and children who exhibit extraordinary abilities to serve others. They live to make life great for their family, friends, and community at large.

If we learned anything about the economic meltdown, the smartest people, from the best schools, forgot to use their hearts to guide their integrity and serve the community with good intentions. Doing good in school is not a determinant that you will make the right choices for the greater good. So we are inspiring people to reward rockstar employees, parents, students, teachers, and volunteers, who will guide future generations for good.

Rockstar for web

So how do we reward rockstars? By empowering them to live great lives; gifting them with opportunities to experience and express themselves fully. Rockstars will permeate, mentor, and lead others by example. How about reward travel…….

Inspiration To do

There is no greater sense of urgency and purpose in my life than to inspire and reward rockstars. Inspiration is half the battle, the other is taking a risk and doing things people said could not be done. I transformed my recruiting agency into a co+op to inspire, reward, and serve rockstars; so that they make a difference with their family, friends, and community.

If you would like to reward your rockstars; parents, employees, teachers, students, neighbors, cops, politicians, kids, and granny too; Join Our Social Co+Op Rewarding Rockstars. We reward human friends and happy pets with global travel, shopping retreats, empowering people to create their own adventure or their travel reward program to give back to their community rockstars.

Do you know or want to recognize a rockstar in your life? Reward them, thank them, and acknowledge them. And by doing so you are a rockstar!


August 21, 2013

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great

girl on fire

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great. You are a fortunate person when someone in your life cares about making your life great. They are passionate about being on fire…..

Qualities of a rockstar are hard to miss, and great to learn and imitate. We can all learn about being a rockstar, by serving others. Have you seen little kids play in a playground? There is always one or two kids who are always thinking of dynamic ways to make it more fun, and sometimes fun and outrages.

Case in point, I recently went over my sister’s house to celebrate my birthday. My niece is a rockstar, she is a precocious athlete who hit 4 home runs in the boys league, only second to a boy, who hit one more. She also plays 3 musical instruments, and now she is a designer too. She designed a sporty sleeveless jacket (I call it a vest). The craziest thing is she is only 8. Say what? Yes only 8. And she was initially shy about sharing her designs with me, but once I gave her the approval she was looking for; she poured it on. She made my birthday one of the best ever.

Rockstars live today to inspire what is possible tomorrow. My niece is 8 and I am 45, inspired the following….

What would life be like if you could invest and sponsor your kids’ creative education from the best artists (virtuosos) in Los Angeles? Imagine if your kid is the next prodigy in music, art, or film. If you are a great parent, contact us we are a co-op using recruiting collaboratively to reward creative education to rockstars in life (we are speaking about you and your child) because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Yes, we are a social Co+Op based in LA, I am Carlos Cymerman the founder, and I am ready to serve you.

PS one of my friends is Craig Bergman, he teaches creative expression and writing for kids and we would totally fund this exciting skill for your child. Check out wordupkids.com.

Are you a rockstar in life and you have a creative skill, service, benefit, or expertise that you would like to make available to more people? We are a SocialCo+Op Rewarding Rockstars a Great Life. Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to join our co-op.

For Recruiting Services