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May 29, 2014

The Future Belongs to Those Who Collaborate

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Sometimes, I feel guilty that I am not doing enough to make a difference. People constantly remind me of how I affect them, just by showing up in their life. The fact is, life is really about giving and receiving. Giving excellence, without the expectation of receiving anything in return. You do it because you love it. I have been on a quest to use recruiting for good since 2000, the truth is I been trying to sell it as a solution so that others can participate. But I have given up on the idea of the sale, and I just want to belong to a collaborative community. Not a social solution, but a living community.

I launched my own Co+Op, and I am looking to serve 100 people each year who want to achieve extraordinary experiences; people participate to help me raise money for social causes, and I reward them travel and so much more. Using recruiting collaboratively, I will help people who live in Southern California. And along the way, I will continue to find people great jobs, and help companies be successful.

What Does Your Extraordinary Life Look Like?

1) Are you looking to reward you family, friends, or community global travel.

2) Are you looking to travel the world and find your unique voice in the world.

3) Are you looking to transform your life, through health and artistic expression

The fact is any of these scenarios maybe what your life will be like; if you so choose it. I just want to be the guy who used recruiting for good collaboratively to help people achieve whatever greatness they desire.

What are you willing to do live an extraordinary life? Start today.


April 21, 2014

Imagine Everyone Vacations for GOOD

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About me, I am the founder of Recruiting for Good, my name is Carlos Cymerman in the last 18 years or so, I have found hundreds of people great jobs. In the past year and a half, I have been trying to combine my recruiting expertise with travel. At first it was a a purposeless start-up idea, but not anymore.

My purpose and mission in life is to use recruiting for good collaboratively to fund and reward vacations for good. There is something amiss in America, we are letting our lives pass by us. We work more hours, and have less quality time than any first world country. Are we working to live, or living to work?

I want to live in a country where everyone enjoys their life, a GREAT LIFE. Travel is expensive. What would life be like if people had a fund to reward their family and friends travel and vacations for GOOD….

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Everyone Vacations

I am committed to using recruiting for good collaboratively to help empower people who participate and help me generate proceeds for good. And your reward will be extraordinary vacation experiences that you can enjoy or gift to anyone you want in the world, because that makes a difference too.

Every person that gets a job with my agency, will get a paid vacation. Why?

1) Thank you for allowing us to live our purpose, with you we are able to accomplish so much more.

2) Why not, you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and have a great life too.

3) candidates placed could make a difference by gifting their vacation reward to anyone they like in the world.

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Where Can I Vacation?

Anywhere your heart desires, just as long as you participate and enable us to generate proceeds for good. We will fund your extraordinary vacations for GOOD.

You can choose any destination offered by any U.S. based tour company or U.S. based travel agent (expert), any (legitimate) online travel site, or you can choose any fun vacation destination on our sites; We Party for Good, We Drink for Good, We Travel for Good, Vegas for Good, Go to Space for Good, Love Yoga for Good (coming soon).

All our rewarded vacations include; flights, accommodations, and cost of tour (concert, event, or retreat). We are looking to serve you the best way we can.

Working With Nonprofits and Schools?

Collaborate with us, help us inspire your community to participate in our purposeful mission Everyone Vacations; and we will use recruiting for good to raise proceeds and benefit your cause, or school.

I Look Forward to Serving You

How can you participate? Simply introduce us to people you know that are looking for work in technology, allow us to represent you for (technical) jobs, or refer us to companies and we will reward you every year proceeds for good.

Inspiration To do

Thank You for Participating In Everyone Vacations

With your help, you will transform the lives of your family, friends, and community. Everyone Vacations will change the world, because of you.

How can I serve you?

September 24, 2013

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too. I recently attended TEDx for the first time. And I was touched, moved, and inspired.

One of my favorite presentations at TEDx Venice, was given by Maria Scileppi; she spoke about making one new friend for 365 days.

During one of the breaks at the TEDx event, John Bates (one of the hosts) and I were speaking with Leslie Ann Lewis, one of the attendees, her enthusiasm propelled us to discuss the idea of making travel to TEDx worldwide possible. “How awesome would it be if everyone could attend TEDx anywhere in the world, explore new cities, and meet new friends.”

Within days, I thought about how I can incorporate the idea of traveling to TEDx worldwide and make a difference too. For the individual who does attend TEDx, the experience is life changing. I am an excellent example of that.

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The first 10 people to join our Co+Op (check out how we can make this happen), and use their social contacts to enable recruiting for good to raise monies for local social causes and start-ups (we are looking to raise $100,000) will be rewarded;

1) A trip to attend TEDx in South Africa in March 2014.

2) A week long safari (provided by Infinite Safari Adventures).

3) John Bates will travel along, and provide his ‘TED-Worthy’ communication training.

Is this for real? You bet. Do you want to be remembered for someone who started it all? Contact us today to help locally and travel globally.

I apologize for taking time to self-promote, and inspire you to participate in collaborative funding, and earn global travel rewards.

I want to thank Leslie Ann Lewis, and Maria Scileppi for inspiring me to create a fun travel solution to enjoy TEDx and make a difference too.

What’s next…..Would you like to attend TEDx Jerusalem in May 2014 and raise money for your causes and start-ups?

P.S. We are not affiliated with TED or TEDx. We are just offering the means to attend inspiring events worldwide, make new friends, have fun, and change the world.


June 12, 2013

How Using Recruiting Makes Free Air Travel Possible

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How Using Recruiting Makes Free Air Travel Possible. This is the collaborative voyage of the social enterprise Recruiting for Good, its mission is to entertain, inspire, and make life great. With the participation of people who love to travel, Recruiting for Good is sharing proceeds to fund free air travel.

Imagine if all people could fly for free? Air travel connects people, places, and possibilities; free air travel creates equality and freedom to enjoy life.

So how are we using recruiting for good? We are collaboratively generating proceeds by making placements and sharing proceeds to sponsor free air travel.

How to Earn Free Air Travel

1) Refer yourself for a job, and when we place you, we reward you with a free airline ticket to fly anywhere in the world, and better yet, you can pay it forward to anyone you like, and make a difference too.

2) Refer a friend to a job, and when we place them, we will gift you $1,000 in air travel rewards to fly anywhere in the world.

3) Introduce us to a company hiring technical professionals, and from the first placement we make, we will gift you $5,000 in air travel rewards for you and your family to fly anywhere in the world. If you know someone who is getting married? I bet they would love to fly for free on their honeymoon. With your help, we can extend happy marriages too.

If your mama, papa, nana, or gramps live in Jamaica, Mexico, or India, no problem with electronic ticketing (thank god), we can pay forward your air travel rewards anywhere in the world.

So if money has kept you away from enjoying life and seeing the world, join recruiting for good we are happy to raise funds for good people who love to collaborate and pay it forward.

Now the hard part, where would you like to travel to first? Make your bucket list, and contact us we will help fund it for you. Yes, we are on a mission to make free air travel to every destination in the world.

Thank you Gene Roddenberry for inspiring us to create a social solution so everyone can live to experience free travel and explore the world.

If money was no object, where would you travel to first?

For Recruiting Services