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    changing recruiting for good

December 3, 2012

Transforming Recruiting for Good

Transforming Recruiting for Good.

How we transform recruiting for good?

1) By generating proceeds to benefit society.

2) By making recruiting about service.

3) By developing a collaborative solution that makes life matter; every person, every pet, every living thing is part of what makes life great.

4) By creating caring communities; and through collaborative recruiting we instill an attitude of gratitude, serving people with love and care is a necessity to bring our best game.

5) Job placement services are sacred, every candidate, every client, every placement changes the fabric of our relationships, done right, and for the right reasons; and it will empower families and communities.

6) Recruiting proceeds fund high purpose projects like: Supporting People Who Want to Help End Hunger + Poverty in India + the U.S..

7) The industry is in need of great recruiters who love to take care of people. Conversely, we need people to take care of great recruiters.

8) Honesty is the best policy; every communication is direct and open. With everyone’s interest in mind. Career decisions for candidates can be life changing and the implications positively affect families and community.

9) Love the possibilities that together we are making a difference. And having a good time doing it.

10) What would life be like if every company in the world donated 5% of their proceeds to make life great?

I invite you to check out transforming recruiting for good. Our dream is to inspire candidates, companies, and other recruiters who love their life’s work. And with your help we will support people to help them make a difference with their friends and family.

The essence of a great company is to create something remarkable. With your help, we are transforming recruiting for good; not just our agency, but an industry, community, and the world.

Be a part of the new beginning, today.

December 3, 2012

Helping People Have Babies

Helping people have babies. Fundraising for You to Have a Baby, say what, no you didn’t say that, well in fact I did, check it out.

According to WebMD, the average cost of an IVF cycle (invitro) in the U.S. is $12,400. According to the Adoption Guide, the average cost for an adoption is $25,000 dollars.

1) Are you tired of waiting for the special man to come into your life to be the husband and father you dreamed of, and want to be a mother today?

2) How about you are a loving couple, but have fertility problems and deeply desire to have a child?

3) How about if you are in a gay or lesbian relationship and really want kids?

Instead of falling into a credit trap owning thousands of dollars for the next 10 years, or stopping from going forward with your long life dream to have a baby.

Consider contacting Recruiting for Good to fundraise for you to have a baby. We are a Collaborative Fundraising Solution helping people make a difference. There is nothing more personal than bringing a child into the world. And we would fundraise for anyone who is ready for the responsibilities of being a kickass parent, not average, we are talking rockstar; because every child deserves that.

What would life be like if your community (all your friends and family) could help you raise the funds necessary for you to afford to have a baby? We empower your community to help you.

We collaboratively fundraise for people to make life meaningful. And that in itself is making a difference.

At this time, we are only serving people in Southern California; because we meet everyone we fundraise for in person.

This blog was inspired, by my friend Nicole, who has been talking about having a baby for two years. And called me this afternoon, and said “I want to fundraise to have a baby.” Would I support her wishes? Yes.

Join retainsourcing.com, to fundraise for you to have a baby and make your life great.

November 19, 2012

Stop Talking + Start Making a Difference

Stop Talking About Making a Difference + Start Making a Difference. What does making a difference even really mean? For me making a difference; is simply making someone smile, laugh, or make someone feel good about themselves. We often forget it is the simplest and kindest things we do, that make all the difference in the world. Every restaurant, I go to, I engage the servers and bus boys with intelligent conversation, I ask intriguing questions, and I care about how they are doing in their life. I am curious about how I am affecting people.

My belief is that anything that impacts anybody in the world in a positive way is making a difference. For me making it personal and meaningful is important. For others it may not. For me, I love to have impact-full relationships that leave a lasting impression. How will I be remembered? Is a constant reminder of what my energy and context needs to be. Every day is a precious opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life.

The truth of it is the only way to make a difference is to be in action, to risk, and move in any direction. We can all talk about making a difference until we are blue in the face. I am in a men’s organization, where we aspire to be leaders in life, but the lack of follow through is a contentious way of sitting and waiting for right time to act. The time is now. The best way to get started on a mission to making a difference is by asking questions. Asking questions like what does making a difference mean to me? How can I make a difference? What am I willing to do to make a difference? And what do I want to be remembered for?

So are you ready to stop talking about making a difference and start making a difference? No, that is perfectly ok with me. But if you are inspired to be part of 5%, where every moment is precious, and every moment is an opportunity to live great lives; then contact me today, I want more intentional friends who want to make a difference today.

For Recruiting Services