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    News & Updates

    Celebrate Paris on Montana Avenue

August 1, 2017

2 Words and 2 Women Change the World


2 Words and 2 Women Change the World

We are grateful for all the women who participated in our writing events in Santa Monica, you inspired, moved, and touched our lives….each and everyone of you made a difference by inviting friends, moms, even dads, and kids to participate too.

Last year we rewarded ‘Gratitude,’ this year we were looking for something different and unique…and we were not disappointed.

“Sabona,” if you google it you will find very little on it. Yvonne Araiza, one of the winners chose it, “Sabona, means ‘I See You,’ in my mentoring program this was always our greeting at the beginning, ‘Ya Bo Sabona’ is the response, I see you seeing me. This changed my life the first time it was explained to me. It grew a light in me to know, I was seen. As a 13 year old girl, to be ‘seen’ made an impact to always be greeted that way made me want to ‘see’ others, past their surfaces, past their stories, their walls, I believe others need to be seen as well.”

Nothing in the world really happens without this word, “Participation,” Emily Rajcic writes, “The purpose of life is relative, many stories, words, and opinions drive humanity, Who are we? Why are we here? The greatest answer to our biggest questions is not a truth or knowledge, it is a willingness to participate in the search. To be unaware, and uninvolved is the death of all great things. It is my hope that humanity finds passion in participating in life and the search for what it truly means to live a great one.”

By sharing universally and expressing ourselves from our heart…we can see the world for good…we look forward to seeing and meeting you at our next inner beauty writing event…Come Celebrate Paris on Montana Avenue…and RSVP for Good.

July 25, 2017

Join Westside Beauty Foodie Club


Join Westside Beauty Foodie Club

The purpose is to celebrate and reward grandmas, great moms, and grown up daughters (who are past their college, and in the trenches of life, figuring it out) and whose contributions, effort, and sacrifice at work, home, and the community kickass…we thank you for making life more fun, fulfilling, and meaningful….

How to Join Club?

  1. RSVP to attend one of our outrageously fun invite only parties this August; Belgian Chocolates & Melting Chair Massages (bring a plus one, for 10 women only), Breakfast with a Purpose (for ‘Coming of Age’ kids, limited to 5 moms and 5 kids), Celebrate the Best of Paris on Montana Avenue (Most Fashionable Outfit Wins, Beauty Foodie Shopping Escape Day, make a date or bring a girlfriend or two)….choose your reward Montana Avenue or Santa Monica Place.
  2. Kickass, make a difference, and inspire others to do the same.
  3. Live on the Westside….if you love being creative, it’s a big plus.

Most parties are for group of 10 (kids, parents,women)….except Celebrate Best of Paris for 30 beautiful Westside residents (15 couples or 30 women).

Why Create a Beauty Foodie Club?

“It’s my way to honor my mom who taught me kickass values, and I continue to appreciate my sisters, and nieces who I adore and love.” Carlos, Founder of Recruiting for Good. Giving back by creating meaningful fun experiences through fun purposeful celebrations, I can make a positive and long lasting difference in moms, families, and kids’ lives….and together we grow from within.

Want to know more….RSVP Today to enjoy our intimate and invite only parties; email Carlos@WePartyforGood.com

For Recruiting Services