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October 31, 2014

The Last Year of My Life

Imagine if we all lived our lives knowing this is it…..How would we live.

Last week, I was involved in head-on collision and I am lucky to be alive. I am at peace with myself, and content with my life. I have taken 7 days off of work to recuperate. In that time, I had time to reflect on what my life can be like, if I choose it.

For the past several years, I have launched hundreds of mini websites, looking for a way to express my vision and desire to inspire people and make a difference. The funny thing was, I was trying to please so  many people, that I forgot about what I want. And once I made the choice to make it about me, everything fell into place. Within us all, we have a way of being that is unique, honor it, connect with it, express it, and you can change the world.

The Last Year of My Life (My List)

1) I want to meet new people every day and have intentional conversations that were deep and meaningful.

2) I want to have fun doing everything.

3) I want to be of service, and feel a connection to life experiences, as they occur.

4) People surprise and touch my heart, and leave an imprint that forever makes life more interesting.

5) Every day, I am creative, writing, and dreaming of new ways to inspire people, and make life fun.

6) I am bold and do not let fear stop me from the things I want to create, and accomplish.

7) I want to support men, women, and children, inspire them to live the life they desire. Be comfortable, revealing their true selves….tell me what life is like for you?

8) I want to create fun social activities to make a difference, that leave people transformed by the experience.

9) I want to use my recruiting talent to help women fund and gift extraordinary life, sports, and travel experiences.

10) I am grateful, I am present, I am mindful….that every day and everyone matters.

What if everyone took account of their choices, their way of being, their words, their feelings, their care, compassion, and love of humanity….What would relationships, community, and the world would look like….

How would you live the last year of your life?


June 11, 2013

Personal Fundraising for Single Moms

collaborative fundraising

Personal Fundraising for Single Moms.

What would life be like if single moms had a personal fund to sponsor free benefits for themselves and their kids? Giving back to single moms, financially empowers families to enjoy life and that makes a difference.


Collaborative Fundraising to Enjoy Life

Why? Why not. It is 2013, and women are still only making 75% compared to men for the same jobs. We are asking moms to do more with less, especially in single parenting homes.


What Benefits are We Prepared to Fund?

Any free benefit makes a difference. Free salon services, yes. Free shopping sprees, yes (only after the kids are taken care of), Free travel, yes, Free creative education, yes, Free Dining rewards (enjoy eating out and not cooking) yes, free yoga for the entire family, free massages, and yes free chocolate too. Create a benefit, collaborate with us and we will fund it for you.


Sounds Too Good to Be True

We are a real company, with caring compassionate recruiting professionals. We are dedicating our lives to use recruiting for good. The caveat is we only help single moms in the U.S… Why? Because we love to have personal relationships with the people we serve.


But My Single Mom Lives Outside the U.S.

If you are willing to use your social contacts to benefit your mom, and you live in the U.S., we are willing to consider helping you fund your single mom, and afford her free travel or chocolates.


We Are Sorry

We apologize to all the people who take offense about the tone of this blog, and its self-serving nature to inspire collaboration, sharing, caring, and personal fundraising for single moms. We sincerely apologize.


What benefit would you like to gift your mom?


November 19, 2012

Will You Matter in 500 Years

Will You Matter in 500 Years. Quite simply we live our lives to live purposefully, joyfully, and passionately. And on a rare occasion, we have an opportunity to do something remarkable. For me, its a journey of 12 years to discover how to combine what I love to do most, which is find people great jobs, and continue to do so by impacting hundreds of lives. I just did not want to be recruiting for placements, or recruiting for money. I came up with the name Recruiting for Good. But it could not just be about me, it had to serve a higher purpose. Recruiting for Good is about serving people; generating proceeds collaboratively to share and make a difference in the world. It is about helping people save lives. Why not start your own cause to save lives today?

I am aware that this sounds outrages. But I am willing to risk my business sense to work collaboratively with people, and generate recruiting proceeds for the purpose of saving their loved ones; family, friends, and pets. Yesterday, I went to the crowdsourcing site Indiegogo and I was moved to tears, by the stories and 100?s of people looking for financial assistance to achieve life saving feats; including getting medical treatment for loved ones, or needing money to produce creative projects that will inspire humanity, or needing money to bring new programs that would facilitate education, mentoring and collaboration. In fact, I was so moved by Jillian Mercado’story, that I contacted her. Someone stole her wheelchair, and she is looking to raise money so she can have one back. The wheelchair allows her to live her life. Do you have a life saving cause that will inspire the community to help you?

Recruiting for Good can raise the necessary money to help people make a difference in the world. Why not start your own cause to save lives today?

I don’t know whether I will be remembered in 500 years. But I know that the time is right to do something remarkable today. And whether you want to be remembered in 500 years or you want to bring more meaning to your life, I would love to meet you and see how we can collaborate, care, and share. Together we can change the world one person at a time or at least save their life, or their loved ones lives. Why not start your own cause to save lives?

Are you ready to do something remarkable?

For Recruiting Services