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March 7, 2013

Using Recruiting to Pay Forward Travel

iTravelforGood for chocbite

Using Recruiting to Pay Forward Travel. Imagine if everyone could afford to travel for free. That is our Social Co-Op‘s mission. And we are using recruiting to generate and share proceeds.

First we are rewarding candidates who make our job easier. Respond to one of our open jobs on Zartis or Zip Recruiter, and receive a $3,000 dollar vacation package upon completing 3 months employment.

In an effort to make life better for hard working Americans, we are financially empowering people to enjoy life, travel and make a difference.

We may not be able to change the fact that most companies afford us a two or three week vacation. But we can change the quality of your time off. Using recruiting proceeds we are on a mission to make first class travel possible for everyone.

Get Rewarded for Your Participation

Respond directly to one of our open jobs and get rewarded with a $3,000 dollars in travel rewards upon completion of your 3 months.

You can also pay forward any portion of your travel rewards to your family, friends, or community at large.

Submit your resume and when we find you a job in technology, we will share 10% of our placement fee to afford you a vacation.

Introduce us to a company hiring tech people, and we will reward you with $1,000 dollars for every full time placement we make in a year.

Great Retreat Travel and Vacation Ideas 

Mothers Day is coming, we are affording 25 moms in Southern California shopping retreats in London, Milan, or Paris. Included in the retreat, we connect moms to spend a day with a fashion stylist, flights, hotel accommodations, and $1,000 gift card to shop, because shopping makes a difference.

The World Cup is in Brazil next year. Don’t you want to go?

Do you want to attend the Cannes or Sundance Film Festival in 2014? We are affording 10 people all inclusive trips; flights, accommodations, and tickets to the festival.

Are you getting married in the next six months? Do you have enough money for your honeymoon? Don’t despair we are ready to help.

We help people locally to travel globally. If you are unsure of where to go or what to do visit a local travel agent to find out what is available, and contact us to make it possible.

Join us to start earning travel rewards today.

For Recruiting Services