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    bring a child into this world

December 3, 2012

Helping People Have Babies

Helping people have babies. Fundraising for You to Have a Baby, say what, no you didn’t say that, well in fact I did, check it out.

According to WebMD, the average cost of an IVF cycle (invitro) in the U.S. is $12,400. According to the Adoption Guide, the average cost for an adoption is $25,000 dollars.

1) Are you tired of waiting for the special man to come into your life to be the husband and father you dreamed of, and want to be a mother today?

2) How about you are a loving couple, but have fertility problems and deeply desire to have a child?

3) How about if you are in a gay or lesbian relationship and really want kids?

Instead of falling into a credit trap owning thousands of dollars for the next 10 years, or stopping from going forward with your long life dream to have a baby.

Consider contacting Recruiting for Good to fundraise for you to have a baby. We are a Collaborative Fundraising Solution helping people make a difference. There is nothing more personal than bringing a child into the world. And we would fundraise for anyone who is ready for the responsibilities of being a kickass parent, not average, we are talking rockstar; because every child deserves that.

What would life be like if your community (all your friends and family) could help you raise the funds necessary for you to afford to have a baby? We empower your community to help you.

We collaboratively fundraise for people to make life meaningful. And that in itself is making a difference.

At this time, we are only serving people in Southern California; because we meet everyone we fundraise for in person.

This blog was inspired, by my friend Nicole, who has been talking about having a baby for two years. And called me this afternoon, and said “I want to fundraise to have a baby.” Would I support her wishes? Yes.

Join retainsourcing.com, to fundraise for you to have a baby and make your life great.

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