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    Best Mother's Day

May 11, 2020

Why I Love to Help Moms and Kids?

Written By Happy Mom…Ben and Shay Kids…

Today is Mother’s Day and I’d like to take a moment to thank Carlos Cymerman for doing good.

One of the tricky parts of being a single mum is that, even if your kids want to shower you with Mother’s Day gifts, there is no other adult around to help them materialize their loving ideas. Consequently, our usual choices are 1) telling our kids we don’t want to make a fuss, or 2) turning Mama Day into yet another errand on our to-do list. Needless to say, neither option is terribly enjoyable for the mum herself.

This year, however, Recruiting for Good presented a third option. Through its Goodie Foodie Club, my two middle schoolers were able to “earn” rather delicious mama gifts this lovely Sunday in May.

Though “passion” and “play” are both priceless pieces of the human condition, “purpose” is the tricky one of the three, much harder to find, and even harder to grasp. This morning, however, my kids tasted the power of purpose in more ways than one…and I am grateful for that in more ways than one.

For Recruiting Services