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May 9, 2013

How America Michael Made a Difference Today


I met America Michael about 3 years ago, when I had a website called Save U.S. Jobs.org. I was on a mission to employ Americans and invest in their education sharing recruiting placements, but in the middle of recession it was not much of a success. But I learned quite a bit about making a difference, channeling my energy and passion through service, and meeting extraordinary people like America Michael.

How America Michael made a difference today? America used her social contacts, and introduced a company in Houston looking for an administrative assistant in El Segundo to Recruiting for Good; and we found them the perfect candidate and she starts in a week. She is a single mom who had been out of work since late 2012.  We are both grateful and humble to acknowledge America, because of her, life is better in LA. She is also our first Co-Op (member), and we look forward to rewarding her with free travel rewards and benefits.

Thank you America, for making a difference today.

America is a wonderful realtor with KELLER WILLIAMS BEACH CITIES you can contact her through Linkedin or find her on Facebook at Miss America Homes.  Are you relocating to Southern California, looking to sell or buy a house, consider America first.

Today America is also volunteering in the community on behalf of Keller Williams “Give Where We Live” helping out at Lydia’s House, a shelter in Torrance, supporting single mothers and their children.

For more information about our Co-Op click here. We are looking for people who love to make a difference, and enjoy life.

December 31, 2012

Wishing Everyone The Best Year of Their Life

Wishing Everyone The Best Year of Their Life. In the final days of 2013, I have made amends and apologize to people in my community, I have read two books that have significantly impacted my outlook on life (Goals, By Brian Tracy, and The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy) and set me up for success in 2013.

I want to thank Alicia Brockwell for inspiring me to look at what was missing in my life. And because of her I sought out the books I read. We are often forgetful to remember the people around us that bring us so much value.

So for 2013 and onwards, I am committed to be grateful, humble, in service of others, inspiring, transformational, caring, loving, dedicated, passionate, enrolling, self-disciplined, and in relationship with like-thinking, like-minded, like-feeling people who are also dedicated to make a difference and love life.

With that said, I want to be part of a community who is limitless in its potential for greatness. Money will not be a pre-requisite to living a great life. In the community I am a part of, I collaborate to afford people great benefits, to help people adopt and support causes, and to afford people life experiences.

Living the best year of my life is an adventure I look forward to. I wish everyone the best year of their life. And perhaps if I am lucky, I will meet some of you next year. Happy 2013.

It is because I love humanity, and the potential of transforming the way we support each other that I am dedicating my life to collaborative fundraising.

What are you committed to develop to make life great in 2013?

For Recruiting Services