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March 28, 2019

10 Festivals to Inspire a New Outlook on Life

Imagination delight

10 Festivals to Inspire a New Outlook on Life

Are you feeling out of sort, empty by your social media interactions, lackluster or unmotivated at work; disillusioned by the life you have…good for you…you are aware there is something missing within…I can tell you, I also found myself lost in the world without purpose…and that was after I finished my bucket list for travel. My transformation came from being creative, writing, reading, asking questions, and most importantly being of service.

As a recruiter, I find people love to share intimate details of their life, because I accept, I am humbly touched by their trust in me, as I keep everything confidential. What is missing most in the world is true authenticity a connection to tribe mentality, to nature, and to acceptance of responsibility…I am responsible for the life I have….but with my imagination, and love of people, I can re-create a better world for myself and others.

What would your life be like…and the world we live in with pure joy….Go back to having meaningful, and authentic connections with people who share your values…travel to a festival, surrender to your destination…and you’ll find a way to re-charge…start your escape to create…the life you want.

Burning Man for blog

  1. Bali Spirit Festival, Bali, Indonesia
  2. Burning Man, CA
  3. Desert Hearts, Los Coyotes Indian Reservation, CA
  4. Envision Festival, Uvita, Costa Rica
  5. GeoParadise (Tribal Gathering, Panama)
  6. International Yoga Festival, Rishikesh, India
  7. LEAF Festival, Lake Eden Arts Festival, Black Mountain, North Carolina
  8. MindBodySpirit Festival, Australia
  9. One Love Fest, CA
  10. Serenity Gathering, Oakdale, CA

You are 100% responsible for the life you have…what will you do with your awesome life…we welcome your arrival.

January 23, 2017

Rewarding Candidates 100 Adventures


Rewarding Candidates 100 Adventures

If you haven’t heard, we are using recruiting for good to create work+life balance by funding and rewarding travel. Do you love to travel and see the world? We love to help you do both. Simply participate in Recruiting for Good, by doing either step to earn any destination;

  1. Submit your resume for a technical position, and complete 120 days of employment.
  2. Refer a family member or friend who is looking for a technical job, (they complete 120 days of employment).

Have Questions or Want to Start Today….


We love to reward any of the following destinations;

Foodie Destinations by Epitourean.com

Athens, BarcelonaIrish Coast, Majorca, Mexico (Puebla), New York, South Africa, Thailand


Africa: BotswanaKenyaMadagascar, Namibia, South AfricaTanzania, Uganda

Asia: Bali, Bali Lombok SailingBeijing to Hong Kong, Cambodia, ChinaIndia, India to NepalJapanMaldives, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, SumatraThailand, Vietnam,

Australia; Brisbane to Cairns, Outback, Surfing AdventureSydney to Brisbane, West Australia, New Zealand; North Island, South Island

Central America: BelizeBritish Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Jamaica, MexicoNicaragua, Panama.

Europe: Belgium Beer Tour, France (Burgundy River Cruise, Loire Valley CycleQuintessential Burgundy), Croatia to Montenegro, Greece (Sailing Athens to Mykonos, Sailing Mykonos to Santorini), Iceland, Ireland, Italy (Amalfi CoastCycling Tuscany, Hiking Tuscany, San Gimiganano, SicilySorrento, Umbria), Romania, Spain (Cycle North Spain, Moorish SpainWalk Camino Santiago), Trekking Mont Blanc, Turkey.

North Africa/Middle East: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco.

South America: Argentina (Buenos Aires IguassuMendoza), Bolivia, Brazil (North BrazilRio Carnival), Chile (Easter IslandPatagonia), ColombiaEcuador, Galapagos, Peru (Amazon Riverboat, Machu Picchu).

Silver Lining Travel (Celebrity Cruises)

Alaska Hubbard Glacier, Bermuda New EnglandEastern Caribbean, French Riviera, IsraelItaly Greek Isles, Japan ExplorerNew Orleans Mardi Gras (2018), New ZealandPanama CanalPortugal AzoresSouth Pacific Cruise, Southern Caribbean, Spain and Canary Islands, Spain France Italy, TahitiWestern Mediterranean.

We look forward to rewarding you travel to see the world for good…where would you like to travel to next?

March 30, 2014

Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

How I Helped My Friends Travel?

In 1996, I went backpacking in Europe with my best friend Morgan, it was a glorious and exciting trip. We initially met his brother in Paris. His older brother, Brett was a legend, after graduating from college, he went to work for one of the consulting firms and after a year, he quit his job, and went to Europe where he met a girl and was living in Sweden. For the next two months, we traveled together through Spain, Italy, and Greece. That’s where I met Tanya, and we traveled together to Turkey, and Hungary.

In 2006, I went back to Europe to watch the World Cup in Germany. And invited Morgan to stay with me in Italy, we went first class, I took care of everything. I was doing well in business, and I wanted to share my travel experience with one of my best friends. And we got to accomplish things, we didn’t do in 1996 like; go to the top of leaning tower of Pisa, go to the top of Eiffel tower, and see the Tower of London. He went back to LA, and I stayed in Europe for another month, where I went to the Running of the Bulls, and I settled in Barcelona and worked remotely for another month.

In the last 10 years, if it wasn’t for Morgan, I traveled with Tanya, the Australian girl I met in Greece in 1996, we went to Bali together. One of my most fulfilling trips, was to the London Olympics, with Robin, she had never been out of the states and every moment with her was thrilling. The fact is my friends made my travel experiences more exciting and fulfilling.

5 Reasons Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

Travel with Your Friends or Gift Travel and You Will Change Your Friends’ Life

1) It will change your relationship, bring you closer by having shared experiences.

2) Travel creates memories, that bring joy, and hope into our life.

3) Travel teaches us about the world, and we learn about ourselves.

4) Travel brings fun, adventure, and excitement.

5) Travel is fulfilling, and allow us to escape our daily grind.

Where are You Traveling Next With Friends?

May 3, 2013

How We Make Free Travel Possible for Daughter Mom Retreats

Excuses Begone,” Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Start living the life you desire today, don’t make money an excuse to not travel (don’t let excuses be the reasons you don’t have what you desire). Be unreasonable, and you will be unstoppable. We are using recruiting for good to empower you to travel for free and make change possible.

When was the last time that you went on a vacation with your mom and did something interesting and fun together? Why not go on a free retreat? Now you can, we launched our co-op to empower and reward collaboration, so that we can all live the life we desire; and enjoy free travel. Simply introduce an executive decision maker to Recruiting for Good to earn and redeem travel rewards with the following retreats; gastro-spiritual retreat in Spain (September 2013), foodie travel in Morocco (October 2013), explore-volunteer travel in Peru (December 2013), and several International Yoga retreats (Hawaii in September 2013, Bali in November 2013, Italy May 2014).

I start living the life I desire, “Excuses Begone.”

“I don’t make money an excuse to not travel. I am unreasonable, and unstoppable. I use recruiting for good to empower my life, make free travel and change possible.”

We look forward to serving, rewarding, and making your life enjoyable.

Join our Co-Op to get started today.

For Recruiting Services