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December 1, 2016

Using Recruiting for Good


Using Recruiting for Good

Recruiting for Good is celebrating the launch of our fun Travel Co+Op and new funding solution to help local nonprofits by donating 50% of every fulltime placement fee we earn, from new clients; from December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017.

Are You Hiring Professionals and are Using Recruiting Agencies?

Please consider sending us your jobs to help fund:


Kristina Bant Jenkins, parent of a child with autismfounder of nonprofit, Aut2bFit™, amateur Duathlete, and USC Graduate.

Mission of Nonprofit to bring together parents and families of children touched by autism with a community of athletes and physically active, fitness-conscious people who are committed to raising awareness for autism through the love of sport, a lifestyle of family-fun activities, and adventure travel. www.aut2bfit.org


Our goal is to help raise $50,000 to offset the cost of travel for special needs kids, first trip is to Utah in May 2017

“We love Kristina’s vision of making everyone feel like a rockstar….kids, moms, dads…and volunteers too.” After the first of the year, Kristina is creating fun monthly events in LA that inspire autistic kids to be active participants.

Did You Know this About Autism….

-Prevalence in the United States is estimated at 1 in 68 births.

-More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.

-Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention.

One more reason to care…you might know someone who is Autistic, who could use Kristina’s nonprofit and the services she will be developing for the community.

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com today to get started today

October 27, 2016

Rewarding Kids Space Travel


Inspired by Kristina Bant Jenkins, founder of Aut2bfit.

“We are the sum total of our experiences. Those experiences – be they positive or negative – make us the person we are, at any given point in our lives. And, like a flowing river, those same experiences, and those yet to come, continue to influence and reshape the person we are, and the person we become. None of us are the same as we were yesterday, nor will be tomorrow.”

Rewarding Kids Space Travel

The space industry is one of the most exciting and growing sectors in our world economy. We need to inspire more kids in the U.S. to follow STEM education, take active/creative travel destinations, develop interpersonal skills (team building, communication, and leadership); to prepare them for tomorrow’s jobs today.

One such exciting and fun creative and educational weekend travel destination is Space Camp;

Family Space Camp® encompasses simulated mission training and operations, rocket construction and on-site space history in one of the world’s largest spacecraft collections. All trainees experience astronaut training simulators such as the 1/6th gravity chair and the Multi-Axis Trainer.

Interested in investing in your kids’ creative education through travel experiences, live in the U.S. and love to collaborate; then email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com, we love to help parents prepare their kids for tomorrow’s jobs and change the world for good.

October 26, 2016

Kickass for a Cause



Kickass for a Cause

Blog Inspired by Kristina Bant Jenkins, parent of a child with autism, amateur duathlete, founder of nonprofit, Aut2bFitwhose mission is to bring together parents and families of children touched by autism with a community of athletes and physically active, fitness-conscious people who are committed to raising awareness for autism through the love of sport, a lifestyle of family-fun activities, and adventure travel.

Nonprofits Inspired People to Kickass for Good

Every year, people of all ages compete in fitness events, and running competitions on behalf of their favorite causes to help raise money from their family, friends, and co-workers. These events have inspired more people to; take on athletic challenges (completing marathons), care about social causes, and participate every year.

Changing the Kickass Game for Good

Imagine a high purpose service helping people raise money through recruiting placements for one nonprofit, Aut2bfit (supporting kids with special needs) and rewarding weekend travel for two (friends, family members, or life partners) to compete at any fitness competition or event within the U.S., Mexico, or Canada; and share the experience.

Using Recruiting, We Help People Kickass for 1 Cause

We are using recruiting for good collaboratively to help fund Aut2bfit, and reward travel. To participate in our fun social initiative Kickass for a Cause, we are looking to connect and reward people who are committed to a fitness lifestyle;

  1. Belong to a gym, do boot-camp, or have a trainer.
  2. Have a weekly workout routine, and eat healthy.
  3. Want to achieve athletic feats, and compete in fitness events.

If you meet our lifestyle requirements, and live in the U.S., we love to collaborate and help you fund our cause; and reward you weekend travel (flight and hotel accommodations) to any competition or event for 2 people.


10 Kickass Fitness Events for 2017

  1. Assault on the Carolinas
  2. Napa Valley Marathon
  3. Boston Marathon
  4. Cross Fit Games
  5. Honolulu Triathlon
  6. Ironman Cozumel
  7. RCP Tiburon Mile
  8. Solvang Century
  9. Spartan World Championship
  10. Waikiki Rough Water Swim

Are You Ready to Kickass for a Cause?

Join us to help kids with special needs, and kickass for good.

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com to get started today.

October 13, 2016

USC Women Travel for Good


USC Women Travel for Good

Blog inspired by Kristina Bant Jenkins, USC graduate, single mom of awesome autistic child, founder of nonprofit, Aut2bfit; whose mission is to bring together parents and families of children touched by autism with a community of athletes and physically active, fitness-conscious people who are committed to raising awareness for autism through the love of sport, a lifestyle of family-fun activities, and adventure travel. To learn more about the amazing work Kristina does in the community, click here to read a recent article written about her photography and autism on The Mighty.

Special thanks to Linda Burk for sharing information about USC Women Travel.

Imagine Everyone Travels for Good

What would life be like if we collaborated to fund and reward travel so everyone could see the world…

Imagine a service empowering USC women to help fund a L.A. based Trojan founded nonprofit making it possible for kids with special needs and their families experience adventure travel….and rewarding travel savings….we’re using recruiting for good to help women do just that.


Rewarding USC Women Beauty Foodie Trip to Italy

Ever wanted to experience Italy…the sights, the taste, and wonderment with fellow Trojan women…Check out this amazing women only 9-day Culinary Adventure In Northern Italy, organized by USC Trojan Travel, to learn more details click here. Travel June 10-18, 2017

“Join us on a culinary adventure designed and exclusive for USC Women. Settle in and spend time learning and enjoying Northern Italian culinary traditions con gusto.  A key ingredient of this signature journey is the luxury of unpacking once at our historic, country wine estate and dedicating your days to the rich cultural opportunities unique to this region. An optional extension to Venice is offered.”

How to Earn Rewarding Travel Savings

Simply put a deposit to reserve your spot directly with USC Trojan Travel, then, email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com. Women make referrals to enable us to help raise money for Aut2bfit, and we reward travel savings.

1 Referral that leads to 1 person getting hired = $2500 donation to Aut2bfit & a $2500 travel savings reward I(paid directly to travel tour company).

One more reason to participate, you can gift your travel reward to anyone living in the U.S., and make a difference in their life….’


Come to Our Fun Chocolate & Wine Party to Enjoy Life and See the World for Good.


For Recruiting Services