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    News & Updates


September 30, 2013

Good Local Causes, Schools, Start-Ups

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$100,000 for Good Local Causes, Schools, Start-Ups. Are you looking for funding? Our Co+Op collaboratively uses recruiting to generate proceeds for good. We are looking to connect with people and organizations who want to work together to make a difference.

How Companies Can Help Us Make a Difference

If you are a company looking for technical talent, retain us to use recruiting for good.


Help Fund Wolf Connection for Foster Kids

“We are looking to generate recruiting proceeds to fund a social project benefiting kids from Olive Crest (a nonprofit serving foster kids for over 40 years); to experience the Wolf Connection. Wolf Connection is a youth education and empowerment program with wolfdogs, Youth Ambassadors, as the centerpiece. With the help of these magnificent animals, young men and women from all walks of life learn about nature and conservation, work through the challenges in their lives, learn to be of service by responsibly caring for another living being, and work towards becoming the kind of person they want to be.”

Refer Your IT Friends Make a Difference and Earn Rewards

We are rewarding the first 10 people who help us use recruiting for good to raise money for local social causes, schools, or start-ups; a trip to attend TEDx in South Africa, and receive a week long safari provided by Infinite Safari Adventures, where they will also receive “Ted-Worthy” communication and presentation training from John Bates.

Participate and Choose Who Benefits

One of the rewards of making a difference with recruiting for good; the individual who uses their social contacts, chooses which nonprofit, school, or start-up we help fund. We are on a mission to help people enjoy life and make a difference.

Where Do You Want to Go Next

We also need help from the community to create fun travel rewards for people who participate and help us use recruiting for good. What travel reward would you like to see next?

For Recruiting Services