October 25, 2017

Why I Launched Our Moms Work Cause

our moms work for recruiting for good

Why I Launched Our Moms Work Cause

This is a personal cause for me. Every day, I aspire to make my mom proud; I use my recruiting talent to improve people’s lives by connecting them to great jobs. I am grateful to work with companies and candidates that I appreciate me.

Working moms inspire heart centered values and are instrumental in preparing contributors, creators, and leaders joining the workforce in their unique way.


It All Started When I Was Young

Mom inspired my life and work values.

“When I was in junior high school, my mom decided to go back to work, against my father’s objections. My mom was driven by her passion to be creative; and as a paid actor, the job gave her the courage and freedom to leave him.”

By finding moms jobs they love…we empower and honor them. If for the rest of my life, I can use my recruiting talent to change moms lives for good, that would be so rewarding…imagine a life so joyous that every day I called moms…and said to them….”You Got the Job.”

Join our fun cause Our Moms Work today. Want to meet me in person? Come to our next Santa Monica, Mom Party for Good.

For Recruiting Services