June 8, 2016

Get a Tech Job Job & Trip to Final Four

2016 Final Four Packages

Get a Tech Job Job & Trip to Final Four

What’s the point in working hard, without enjoying life. We are using recruiting for good to help technical professionals do both. We find you great jobs, and reward you fun trips that will change your life.

3 Reasons to Experience the 2017 Final Four

  1. Your team could be in the Final Four, wouldn’t you want to see them live?
  2. The Final 4 can inspire your friends to travel together, and have the time of their life.
  3. The Final Four in 2017 is in Phoenix, Arizona, one fun city, easy to get to.

How to Earn Final Four Trip for Good?

Let Recruiting for Good represent you, simply send us your resume directly for a tech job, if we find a job, and you complete your probation, we reward you travel with Roadtrips, the Ultimate Sports Travel Company.

This reward is only available for candidates living in the United States.

Want to more information contact Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com


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