June 10, 2013

Create Your Benefit to Change the World

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Create Your Benefit to Change the World.

The benefit we created is free travel. But that is not the only benefit there is that can bring about change, transformation, empowerment, and make a difference. What benefit would you create to change the world?

A Lesson About Creating Benefits

Close your eyes and imagine having one thing in the world, all the time, and that one thing makes you smile. This is the benefit that inspires you to work and enjoy life. So why not create it, and make it available for all your family, friends, and community to enjoy?

What is Your Benefit?

Imagine if everyone could fly for free, or hire a life coach, or have free parties (weddings, sweet sixteen, anniversary, birthdays), or have chocolate delivered to every month, or enjoy free yoga, or enjoy free creative classes (art, dance, singing, sculpture, and writing). The possibilities to create amazing benefits are endless.

Making Benefits Available to Everyone Makes a Difference

We recently had a meeting with a travel company, and they did not understand why free travel is “Good” (our website is iTravelforGood.com). Creating benefits that are attainable by everyone, creates equality, freedom, and empowers people to enjoy life fully; and that is “Good.”  You don’t have to write a check to a nonprofit to make a difference, a simple gesture of being kind to people, or gifting a benefit to someone in your life who could not afford it; makes a profound and meaningful difference.

What benefit would you like to make “Good”? Free chocolates for everyone, oh yeah!

Collaboration Makes Everything Possible

The greatest solutions have been created through like-minded people who participated and worked together to benefit the community. Case in point Wikipedia, they changed the way people explain how things are. How about Twitter? People can keep the world abreast of what is happening now. Crowd sourcing changed the way we fund and support each other.

Do you have a benefit you would like to create and fund? Contact us today, we love to help people make a difference.

For Recruiting Services