January 22, 2020

How Shared Values Can Attract and Retain Talent?

How Shared Values Can Attract and Retain Talent?

“20 years of recruiting expertise has taught me that sharing values is the base of creating meaningful experiences, and life long friendships.”

How to Find Great Talent?

Everything starts at the top…the CEO or Founder is solely responsible for establishing the mission and culture he or she would like to create and establish a set values that they hold in high regard. So that it will allow others who follow to flourish and attract like-minded employees.

Without a clear purpose or vision, those who are responsible for hiring, and finding talent use their own set of decisions to hire or not hire. And the company flounders, and often fails to attract and retain the best talent.

Are the right questions being asked during the interview process? Or are you settling on just hiring someone who looks and sounds right for the job? Companies that are asking questions beyond what is on the resume…and choose to make the candidates ‘Dig Deep,’ will find the right hires.

“No amount of goodies in the fridge or fringe benefits..can replace the value of feeling heard, and appreciated.”

How to Retain Great Talent?

Team building thru transparency, trust, and communication is key…questions lead to self discovery…

  1. As a company, how are you investing in your employees?
  2. Is training provided, opportunities for growth on a weekly or monthly basis?
  3. What does collaboration mean in your company?
  4. Is a methodology in place, so that every department uses the same set of rules?
  5. Are the vendors your company uses to find talent share your values of collaboration?

Companies that continue to be innovative in regards to creating a value filled work culture…will find a level of commitment to the company that is unmatched.

Raise Your Value Game Today…


For Recruiting Services