November 16, 2018
The Future Belongs to Those Who Participate
The Future Belongs to Those Who Participate
We Practice What Preach to Set an Example for the Next Generation
“Knowing there is a problem, and doing something about it; is what life is all about.”
We are using recruiting for good to transform work and life. Imagine, if everyone could love both. With us you can. We are using recruiting placements to fund summer camp (for those of you who don’t have kids, btw that includes me, founder of Recruiting for Good); camp costs around $500 to $1,000 a week. Participate to help make a difference (fund summer camp), and enjoy to love life rewards.
Social Community Problem & Fun Solution
We are putting too much pressure on teachers and schools to teach values in addition to teaching the basics. Kids can learn values at home, in church, and in the community (including Summer Camp). Working moms are stretched beyond belief, working fulltime, managing the household, and the kids (and some even volunteer in PTA or the community). Some families where both parents work, they can’t make the financial sacrifices to get kids to summer camp or a summer vacation. We are using Recruiting for Good to solve this. Yes, we are funding fun.
For Those Who Help Us Make a Difference…Enjoy the Best
How can you help Recruiting for Good fund Summer Camp and Enjoy Exclusive Rewards….We’re rewarding “the Best Must Haves” (Experiences, Products, Services) to Create Equality and Enjoy Life Before You Go (to Heaven).
Refer an open job at a company (accounting/finance, engineering, IT, operations, or sales). When we fill the position; we share a portion to fund a summer camp scholarship and a reward (the reward could be summer camp for your child, or an exclusive Love Life Reward).
Refer an Engineering or IT professional to help fund a summer camp scholarship and enjoy a Lofe Life Reward.
Your referrals enable us to fulfill our purpose….imagine what the world would look like if everyone loved life and work.
We are starting in L.A….our goal is to positively impact 100 people every year, find talented professionals awesome jobs (make companies better), fund 100 summer camp scholarships…and gift 100 fun Love Life Eewards.
In 2019…we’re launching Kids Love Work, a cost free community service, in Santa Monica.
How We Thank You…
We appreciate your participation…and will develop fun creative rewards that you love to enjoy, share, or even gift…below is just one…here are some of the rest to Love Life.
Want to Get Started or Have Questions?