December 23, 2015

2016 Donut for Good Challenge

Donut For Good Challenge

2016 Donut for Good Challenge

“Feed your life with positive experiences, and you will see the world for good.”

Imagine what life would be like, if people took it upon themselves to fix one thing in the world, and committed to inspire and transform 100 people over the course of one year to fulfill their purpose and make a lasting difference.

What is Missing In Your Life, Community, Work or Personal Relationships?

That’s the hole, you clearly know there is something missing, something that can be done. If you identified it, good for you. Now it’s time to chose your path. What will you do with this powerful vision and wisdom? Since, you identified the hole, it’s up to you to do something about it….”the world awaits you arrival.”

My 2016 Donut Mission

What I see missing in the world…is intentional, meaningful, and personal relationships that matter. We lost our way to be real with each other. And connect in genuine ways.

My vision is to empower people who love to make a lasting difference with their family and friends by gifting life experiences through travel.

By creating amazing ways to see the world, we can inspire people;

  1. To be transparent and genuine; and have a more fulfilling life.
  2. Develop a sense of purpose, and willingness to be of service.
  3. Appreciate spending quality time with family and friends.

My “DONUT” mission is to have fun, enjoy work, and transform Recruiting for Good so that I can help 100 people fund gift travel for their family and friends to see the world for good.

I am grateful to have already started this week; by helping 1 rockstar father gift his daughter and one of her friends a trip to NY Fashion Week in Feb 2016.

99 more people to go to complete my Donut.

What is Your 2016 Donut Mission?

I love to know, email me at

For Recruiting Services